2015-2016 Board of Supervisor’s Presentation

Bright BeginningsAdvocacy, Community, Events

As an initiative of the Monterey County Children’s Council, Bright Beginnings presents annually to the Monterey County Board of Supervisors to highlight accomplishments and goals for the upcoming year. The most powerful portion of the presentation is the availability for …

CAT Spotlight – North Monterey County

BB CommsCommunity

Noemy Loveless has been a part of the Bright Beginnings’ North Monterey County (NMC) Community Alliance Early Years Collaborative Action Team (CAT) from the very start. As the Director of Student and Family Services of the Castro Plaza Family Resource …

Bright Beginnings Staff Transition – reminder

Bright BeginningsAdvocacy, Community

Please help us find a new wonderfully, talented individual to step into the Bright Beginnings Manager role. MORE INFORMATION: Please see the position description on the First 5 Monterey County website. DEADLINE: Please note resumes are due by Friday, December 30th. Click …

Check out the Google Calendar!

Bright BeginningsEvents

Interested in learning about upcoming Bright Beginnings CAT and Network meetings?  Events around the county to get involved with?  Want to post what you are doing so Bright Beginnings can help promote your event through our various channels?  Check out …

SAVE THE DATE: CAT Convening February 24, 2017

Bright BeginningsEvents

Our next CAT meeting will focus on peer to peer learning for each of the CATs and next steps for a shared data measurement system. Please save the date and details will follow shortly. If you have any questions or …

Who won the Amazon gift certificates?

Bright BeginningsCommunity

Thanks to everyone who participated in the Bright Beginnings Mid-Year Evaluation Survey. As a thank you for your time, two participants were randomly drawn to receive an Amazon gift certificate. The winners are Jayanti Addleman from the Monterey County Free Libraries …

Radar Alert: CA State Policy Opportunities

Bright BeginningsUncategorized

The California legislature has begun work on framing the legislative and budgetary priorities for the upcoming 2017-18 session. There will be many bills that will be relevant to our field, but we want to pay particular attention to a bill …