2015-2016 Board of Supervisor’s Presentation

Bright BeginningsAdvocacy, Community, Events

As an initiative of the Monterey County Children’s Council, Bright Beginnings presents annually to the Monterey County Board of Supervisors to highlight accomplishments and goals for the upcoming year. The most powerful portion of the presentation is the availability for public comment. Salinas and Greenfield CAT members were in attendance discussing the benefits of Bright Beginnings and what they would like to accomplish in the upcoming year – especially Preschool for All.

Beatrice Garza, a Salinas parent CAT participant, noted, “I think it is quite ridiculous that the system requires a child to have a good level of literacy by 3rd grade, but at the same time allows for there to be so many obstacles for 3 yr old children to enter preschool, such as income, work or place that they live. For that reason I ask you to support the Bright Beginnings group. I firmly believe in the importance of supporting and pushing this project universal preschool. My 3 children are an example that preschool boosts the development of the child, creates love of knowledge, love of reading and sharing and forming a strong relationship with parent and child. It promotes a culture of learning.”

Parent participants from the Salinas CAT spoke to the Board of Supervisors about the importance of preschool and early education for all.
Supervisors noted their individual support of early childhood development. Specific comments include:

“I really appreciate this report and all the work that the Monterey County Children’s Council has done and has been a leader in violence prevention because of the impacts on health… I really like the collective impact model that Bright Beginnings is following and I see that some of these indicators are starting to show improvement.” – Supervisor Jane Parker

“I think fundamentally if our board here is not addressing ECE they are not addressing the fundamental causes of poverty, crime, violence and kind of quality that is in the crisis mode here in our county. I commend all of you for that work. We know that when our children start from behind, it’s hard for them to catch up.” — Supervisor Luis Alejo.

“I appreciated all your help and support. I think we are all starting to realize how much emphasis we need put on ECE and development and how critical it is that we invest there. It pays off so much in the long run. Learning education of the parents, and the needs for them so they are partnering with our educational system and the development of their kids is critical, so thank you!.” — Supervisor John M. Philips

“First of all thank you to the parents that came and provided testimony. It shows the importance of ECE and the effect BB is having in the lives of your children…. We have to be mindful it has to be community based and parent based. Its going to take everyone.” — Supervisor Simón Salinas

“Thank you very much to the people who have come here and sacrificed your time and work to be here today to make your presentation. I value that very much..I am happy to see the good work that you are doing and happy to see that BB and BF are partnering on this. It is a critical part to all of this. It doesn’t matter if you are a parent or a teacher or a board member or a community member the thing that all of us can do with any child we have the opportunity to interact with is remember those 3 things. A caring relationship, high expectations, and meaningful opportunities. If we did this to every child we encountered I think our children would thrive.” — Chair Supervisor Mary Adams

For a full video of the presentation and comments, click here.