Each business is unique and should develop its child friendly policies according to the needs of its employees and the organization as a whole. Successful child friendly strategies balance these interests to create flexible work arrangements that are practical and sustainable.
Organizations that employ a variety of the following actions and approaches in implementing their own child friendly strategies may be eligible for recognition as a Monterey County Family Friendly Employer at three different levels: Gold, Silver and Bronze. We are piloting the certification in 2017-18 and will revisit the award levels to ensure they fairly capture the practices that make the biggest difference to working parents.
Gold Award Recipients
Gold Award Recipients meet 10 or more family friendly policies and practices to receive the Family Friendly Employer window decal that can be displayed in their business, a Gold Family Friendly Employer badge that can be placed on their website, and a certificate of recognition. Bright Beginnings will also promote Gold Award Recipients across various media outlets and platforms.
Silver Certificate Recipients
Silver Certificate Recipients engage in 4 or more family friendly policies and practices to receive a Silver Family Friendly Employer badge that can be placed on their website and a certificate of recognition.
Bronze Recipients
Bronze Recipients engage in at least 2 (with at least 1 in the first two areas) family friendly employer policies and practices to receive a certificate of recognition.
Family Friendly Employer Application
Monterey County Family Friendly Employer Award recipients are determined via an honor system application that requires providing information on family friendly policies the business offers to its employees.
Please complete the application below to tell us about your family friendly employer practices or nominate a family friendly business: