2020 has been an exhausting year. People of all ages are being taxed physically, mentally, and emotionally, so finding ways to address our overall well-being is important.
For the first time ever, First 5 Monterey County is participating in Monterey County Gives! F5MC has had tremendous support and are almost to their first goal of raising $25,000! With a donation through MCGives!, more than 1600 local children will benefit from First 5 Monterey County mental health training.
The Salinas Valley Chamber of Commerce recently published an article written by First 5 Monterey County Senior Policy, Advocacy, and Communications Manager Nina Alcaraz highlighting tips and resources to take care of yourself, your immediate circle, and help bolster our community. Check it out on page 16 here.
Be sure to watch F5MC’s short video and consider giving the gift of mental health to local families and children this giving season here.