Storytelling Workshop

BB CommsAdvocacy, Community, Events

On December 3, the Central Coast Early Childhood Advocacy Network hosted a Storytelling Workshop for early childhood advocates and parent leaders from Monterey, Santa Cruz, and San Benito counties. The Salinas CAT was represented by ten Salinas Mamás and Fernanda Ocana, from the City of Salinas (who graciously provided transportation).

Two of our Mamás shared their stories of the importance of early learning and dual-language learning. The Mamás shared, “Thank you for making this trip possible, we felt organized and comfortable sharing our story [both in language and in feeling].”

We are inspired by their courage and grateful for their leadership in promoting the importance of investing in early childhood in our communities!

From left: Maria Carmen Parra, Verónica León, María Arreola, Norma Villalobos and her son Esteban, Gabriela Silva, Alma Loredo, María Trinidad Sánchez, Laura Pacheco, María Garcia, Verónica Torres, and Fernanda Ocaña, a partner from the City of Salinas.