Elsa Mendoza Jimenez Appointed to First 5 California Commission

Bright BeginningsAdvocacy, Community, Events

We are thrilled to share that the director of the Monterey County Health Department, Elsa Mendoza Jimenez, MPH, has been appointed to the First 5 California Commission by Governor Gavin Newsom! Elsa has been a fearless advocate for children and families in Monterey County and a long time supporter of the Bright Beginnings Early Childhood Development Initiative. Congratulations to Elsa and we are excited to see what your leadership can accomplish! Read the KION article to learn more here.

First 5 Monterey County is planning a local swearing-in Ceremony for Elsa at the beginning of their F5MC Commission meeting. Please join us virtually via Facebook Live on January 25 at 9:00am.