In October Nina Alcaraz, Bright Beginnings Manager, announced that she will be transitioning out of the Bright Beginnings Manager position to become the Policy, Advocacy and Communications Manager for First 5 Monterey County. She is fully committed to Bright Beginnings and the transition will not be complete until staffing for Bright Beginnings has been confirmed.
Please help us find a new wonderfully, talented individual to step into the Bright Beginnings Manager role.
Bright Beginnings Program Manager (employee of First 5 Monterey County — reports to co-chairs of Bright Beginnings and the Monterey County Children’s Council).
The Bright Beginnings Program Manager provides management, coordination, and communication to the Bright Beginnings Initiative, (formerly known as the Early Childhood Development Initiative).
Bright Beginnings supports communities to identify and implement local systems change and practical solutions for children from the prenatal stage through 3rd grade. Bright Beginnings uses a Collective Impact Framework to ensure mutual ownership, build consensus, and engender sustainable outcomes. The work at the community level also informs local, state and federal systems change.
MORE INFORMATION: Please see the attached position description or the First 5 Monterey County website.
DEADLINE: Resumes are due by December 30th.