Accessible and Affordable Child Care

Bright BeginningsAdvocacy, Community

KSBW reports on the American Families Plan

President Biden’s American Families Plan allocates billions of dollars to support children and families across the country. KSBW looks at how this funding can positively impact the lives of Monterey residents by making child care more accessible and affordable, where resources are currently lacking. 

“In Monterey County, only about 7% of parents who have infants can provide licensed, center-based care for those infants,” shared First 5 Monterey County’s Executive Director Francine Rodd. “There are twice as many people on a waitlist for low-income vouchers as there are vouchers.” The increase in funding can support the number of available vouchers for more families to access services and can help parents get back to work. Besides increasing child care accessibility, the Families Plan also looks at increasing pay for child care workers, paid family leave, earned income tax credit, etc. Watch the report and read the full article here.