A Summer Like Never Before

Bright BeginningsAdvocacy, Community

From closed beaches to dampened holidays, from a deepening pandemic to racial awakening, this is a summer like never before. It is also a summer full of care, creativity, and new ways of connecting. It’s a summer of finding hope in positive change, and a renewed appreciation for what we do have and what we can do.

At Bright Beginnings, we are grateful for the remarkable, multi-faceted coalition of early childhood development champions that, in March, came together like never before. They are getting resources out to the child caregivers and educators who continue to provide the nurturing child care needed during these difficult, risky times; they share experiences, support each other, and find creative solutions to providing care in times of shelter-in-place and distance learning.

For the latest weekly digest on this COVID-19 response and recovery coalition’s work for early care and wellbeing, click here. The next Coalition Call is Wednesday, July 29, 1:30 – 2:45pm. Please join us — RSVP here.