Funding the Next Generation Workshop | September 21

Bright BeginningsCommunity, Events

Join The Central Coast Early Childhood Advocacy Network on September 21st

The Central Coast Early Childhood Advocacy Network invites you to join “Funding the Next Generation,” a workshop to create dedicated Children’s Funding in Monterey, Santa Cruz, and San Benito Counties.

Join nationally-recognized early childhood funding pioneer and advocate, Margaret Brodkin, and other Central Coast EC advocates to learn the ins and outs of creating dedicated Children’s Funds and strategize on how to secure funding for our region’s future. All are welcome!

WHAT: Funding the Next Generation

WHEN: Friday, September 21st from 10:00am-2:00pm

LOCATION: Santa Cruz County Office of Education
400 Encinal St.
Santa Cruz, 95060

RSVP: Karen Stein
(831) 444-8549 Ext. 14
[email protected]