Your Voice is Needed in Monterey County and Washington D.C.

Bright BeginningsAdvocacy, Community, Events

You are invited to two advocacy opportunities that need an early childhood voice:

  • Local mental health community meetings
  • All expenses paid opportunity to advocate for children in Washington D.C.
Mental Health Services Act Annual Community Meetings

Monterey County Behavioral Health is hosting four regional Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) Annual Community meetings on:

  • Tuesday, February 27
  • Thursday, March 1
  • Tuesday, March 6
  • Thursday, March 8
They are strongly encouraging participation, as well as help in sharing the meeting flyer and inviting others to attend.

Those attending the meetings will receive an update on MHSA-funded services in Monterey County and be provided a chance share input on the future planning, development and evaluation of MHSA-funded programs. Spanish language interpretation will be available. Light snacks provided.

Families Needed to Attend ZERO TO THREE’s Strolling Thunder

On May 8, babies and families will again descend on Capitol Hill for ZERO TO THREE’s second annual Strolling Thunder event! Families will share their stories with their Members of Congress and urge them to Think Babies and Act for stronger families, vibrant communities, and a prosperous country.

If you know a family who may be interested, please have them fill out the Interest Form by the newly extended deadline of Friday, March 2. 

ZERO TO THREE will follow up with everyone who expresses interest by late March to let them know if they have been selected. For those they do select, ZERO TO THREE will cover all travel costs for a parent, their child under age three, and an adult travel companion to assist with child care. Click here to complete the Interest Form.

Additional questions? Read the FAQ or feel free to contact Zero to Three at [email protected].